The prosthetist - orthotist is responsible for the design, fabrication and fitting
of the orthosis (brace) and prosthesis (artificial limb). He makes certain that
the device functions and fits properly and that the patient adjusts well to it
The patient and his family are instructed in the care of the prosthesis.
His functions include -
2. Fabrication
3. Modifications and change in design where required
4. Fitting to the patient with static and dynamic alignment
5. Repairs to the orthosis or prosthesis where needed
6. Research
The recreation therapist uses recreational activities to improve social and
emotional behaviour and promote the growth and development of the patient.
The therapeutic recreation process inciudes:
1 Assessing, in detal, the patient's interests, resources, level of paricipation, social capability, cognitive functioning, physical limitation and abilities, perceived barriers, emotional functioning, and level of resource awareness.
2 Educating patients in leisure activities, with specialized equipment,
adapted sports, increasing awareness of leisure time and alternatives
to prior life styles, acquiring new leisure skills and developing and
increasing social interaction.
3. Using recreational activities, to:
4. Increase attention span, concentration, maintain physical strength,social skills and motivation
5. Assist in family and patients adjustment to disability
6. Decrease atypical behaviour, like depression
7. Increase independence
8. Reinforce other forms of therapy
9. Provide community integration
10. Enhance functioning level
11. Integrating the patient into the community by a safe, and graduated
program of recreational outing into the community.
12. Assisting the patient in exploring resources for post discharge activities such as support groups.
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