In the realm of the disabled it is not possible for a single person to guide the
course of rehabilitation. Due to the diverse symptomatology and the spectrum of diseases which lead to disability, optimum results can only be obtained when a group of qualified professionals (where available) get together and chart out a comprehensive program for the relevant disability. Each member contributes in his own area of specialization. A collective "push" is given to the disabled, so that they become "differently abled"
The members are classified according to their areas of specialization and
1. Medical,
2. Paramedical,
3. Sociovocational
There is hardly any area of medical Specialization that has no bearing on
rehabilitation. The specialists interact with the rehabilitation team on a case
to case basis. The neurologist, for example, would prescribe drugs of
epilepsy. the plastic surgeon would treat the pressure sores and the
rheumatologist would assess the course of the rheumatoid patient. The
medical team members are:
1. Physiatrist
2. Orthopaedic surgeon
3. Neurologist
4. Neurosurgeon
5. Plastic surgeon
6. Psychiatrist
7. Paediatrician
8. Obstetrician
10. Neonatologist
11. Rheumatologist
12. Cardiologist
13. Cardiac surgeon
14. General surgeon
15. Oncologist
16. Urologist
17. Ophthalmologist
18. Oto Rhino Laryngologist
19. General physician
20. Family physician
1. Physiotherapist
2. Occupational therapist
3. Creative movement therapist
4. Recreation therapist
5. Prosthetist-Orthotist
6. Rehabilitation nurse
7. Speech pathologist
9. Biomedical engineer
1. Social worker
2. Vocational counselor
3. Child development specialist
4. Vocational evaluator
5. Special educator
6. Dance & horticulture therapist
7. Skilled Trainer
8 Placement officer
9 Governmental agencies
10. Employment agencies
11. Industries
12. Banks and funding agencies
13. Music therapist
14. Non-governmental organizations