

@ – at

ā – before

A: – assessment

AAA – abdominal aortic aneurysm

AAROM – active assistive range of motion

Abd. or abd. – abduction

ABG – arterial blood gas

ABI – acquired brain injury

ac – before meals

AC – acromioclavicular

ACL – anterior cruciate ligament

ACTH – adrenocorticotropic hormone

Add. or add. – adduction

ADL’s or ADL – activities of daily living

ad lib – at discretion

adm – admission/admitted

AE – above elbow

afib – atrial fibrillation

AFO – ankle foot orthosis

AIDS – acquired immune deficiency syndrome

AIIS – anterior inferior iliac spine

AJ – ankle jerk

AK – above knee

AKA – above knee amputee, above knee amputation

ALS – amyotrophic lateral 

a.m. – morning

AMA – against medical advice

amb – ambulate, ambulates, ambulated, ambulatory, ambulation

ANS – autonomic nervous system

Ant. – anterior

AP – anterior-posterior

approx. – approximately (also “~” symbol can be used)

ARDS – adult respiratory distress syndrome

ARF – acute renal failure

AROM – active range of motion

AROME - active range of motion exercise/s

ASA – aspirin

ASAP or asap – as soon as possible

ASCVD – arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease

ASHD – arteriosclerotic heart disease

ASIS – anterior superior iliac spine

Assist. – assistive, assistance

A-V – arteriovenous

AVM – arteriovenous malformation


B/S – bedside

BE – below elbow

bed mob. – bed mobility

BID or bid – twice a day

bilat – bilateral (a B enclosed within a circle may also be used)

BK – below knee

BKA – below knee amputee, below knee amputation

BM – bowel movement

BOS – base of support

BP – blood pressure

bpm – beats per minute

BR – bedrest

BRP – bathroom privileges

BS – breath sounds/bowel sounds

BLE – both lower extremities

BUE – both upper extremities

BUN – blood urea nitrogen

c - with

C&S – culture and sensitivity

c/o – complains of

CA – cancer, carcinoma

CABG – coronary artery bypass graft

CAD – coronary artery disease

CAT – computerized axial tomography

CBC – complete blood count

C/C – chief complaint

cc. – cubic centimeter

cerv. - cervical

CF – cystic fibrosis

CHF – congestive heart failure

CHI – closed head injury

CKD – chronic kidney disease

cm. – centimeter

CMV – cytomegalovirus

CNS – central nervous system

CO – cardiac output

CO2 – carbon dioxide

Cont. or cont. – continue

COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

COTA – certified occupational therapist assistant

CP – cerebral palsy

CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure

CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CRF – chronic renal failure

CSF – cerebrospinal fluid

CV – cardiovascular

CVD – cardiovascular disease

CWI – crutch walking instructions

CXR – chest x-ray

Cysto – cystoscopic examination


D/C – discontinue, discontinued, discharge, discharged

dept. –

DF - dorsiflexion

DIP – distal interphalangeal

DJD – degenerative joint disease

DM – diabetes mellitus

DNR – do not resuscitate

DO – doctor of osteopathy

DOB – date of birth

DOE – dyspnea on exertion

DTR – deep tendon reflex

DVT – deep vein thrombosis

Dx – diagnosis


ECF – extended care facility (In Physiology – extracellular fluid)

ECG/EKG – electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph

ED – emergency department

EEG – electroencephalogram, electroencephalograph

EENT – ear, eyes, nose, throat

EMG – electromyogram, electromyography, electromyography

ER or Ext. rot. – external rotation

E.R. – emergency room

eval. – evaluation

Ex. – exercise

ext. – extension


FBS – fasting blood sugar

FEV – forced expiratory volume

FH – family history

flex. – flexion

FRC – functional residual capacity

FUO – fever unknown origin

FVC – forced vital capacity

FWB – full weight bearing

Fx., fx – fracture




GB – gall bladder

GCS – Glasgow coma scale

GI – gastrointestinal

GIT – gastrointestinal tract

GSW – gunshot wound

GYN – gynecology


H/A - headache

H&H, H/H – hematocrit and hemoglobin

Hct – hematocrit

HEENT – head, ear, eyes, nose, throat

Hemi. – hemiplegia, hemiparesis

HEP – home exercise program

Hgb – hemoglobin

HIV – human immunodeficiency virus

HKAFO – hip knee ankle foot orthosis

HNP – herniated nucleus pulposus

h/o – history of

HOB – head of bed

HR – heart rate

hr. - hour

hs – at bedtime

HTN or Htn – hypertension

Hx – history


I&O – intake and output

IADL – instrumental activities of daily living

ICU – intensive care unit

IDDM – insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

IE – initial evaluation

IFC – interferential current

IM – intramuscular

imp. – impression

indep – independent

inf. – inferior

inv. - inversion

IR or int. rot. – internal rotation

IRDS – infant respiratory distress syndrome

IS – incentive spirometer, incentive spirometry

IV –


KAFO – knee ankle foot orthosis

kcal – kilocalories

KJ – knee jerk

KUB – kidney, ureter, bladder


L within a circle – left

Lat – lateral

LBBB – left bundle branch block

LBP – low back pain

LE – lower extremity

LOC – loss of consciousness, level of consciousness

LMN – lower motor neuron

LMNL – lower motor neuron lesion

LOS – length of stay

LP – lumbar puncture

LLQ – left lower quadrant

LQ – lower quadrant

LTG – long term goal

LUQ – left upper quadrant


MAP – mean arterial pressure

max. – maximal

MD – medical doctor, doctor of medicine

MED – minimal erythemal dose

Meds. – medications

MI – myocardial infarction

min – minimal

min. – minute

mm. - muscle

MMT – manual muscle test, manual muscle testing

mod. – moderate

MP – metacarpophalangeal

MRSA – methicilin resistant staphylococcus virus

MS – multiple sclerosis

MVA – motor vehicle accident


NDT – neurodevelopmental treatment

 . – negative

NG or ng – nasogastric

N.H. – nursing home

NIDDM – non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

nn. – nerve

noc – night, at night

NPO or npo – nothing by mouth

NSR – normal sinus rhythm

NWB – non-weight bearing

O – number of times performed (e.g. x3, x8, etc

O: - objective

OA – osteoarthritis

OB – obstetrics

OBS – organic brain syndrome

od – once daily

OOB – out of bed

O.P. – outpatient

O.R. – operating room

ORIF – open reduction, internal fixation

OT – occupational therapist/therapy

OTR – registered occupational therapist


p – after

P – poor (used in muscle testing)

P: - plan

P.A. – physician’s assistant

PA – posterior/anterior

para – paraplegia

pc – after meals

PCL – posterior cruciate ligament

PE – pulmonary embolus

PEEP – positive end expiratory pressure

per – by/through

PF – plantar flexion

p.o. – by mouth (per orem)

PERRLA – pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation

P.H. – past history

p.m. – afternoon

PMH – past medical history

PNF – proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

PNI – peripheral nerve injury

POMR – problem-oriented medical record

pos. - positive

poss – possible

post. – posterior

post-op – after surgery

PRE – progressive resistive exercise

pre-op – before operation

Prep. – preparation

prn – whenever necessary

PROM – passive range of motion

PROME – passive range of motion exercise

PSIS – posterior superior iliac spine

PT – physical therapy/ therapist

PT – prothrombin time

Pt. or pt. – patient

PTA – prior to admission

PTA – physical therapist assistant

PTB – patellar tendon bearing

PVD – peripheral vascular disease

PWB – partial weight bearing


q – every

qd – everyday

qh – ever hour

qid – four time
s a day

qn – every night


® - right

RA – rheumatoid arthritis

RBBB – right bundle branch block

R.D. – registered dietitian

Rehab – rehabilitation

reps. – repetitions

resp – respiratory, respiration

RN – registered nurse

R/O or r/o – rule out

ROM – range of motion

ROME – range of motion exercises

ROS – review of systems

rot. – rotation

RR – respiratory rate

RROM – resistive range of motion

R.T. – respiratory therapist/therapy

Rx – prescription; therapy
 ; intervention plan; treatment

s – without

SACH – solid ankle cushion heel

SBA – standby assist

SCI – spinal cord injury

SC jt. – sternoclavicular joint

SED – suberythemal dose

sig – directions for use; use as follows; let it be labeled

SI jt. – sacroiliac joint

SLE – systemic lupus erythematosus

SLP – speech-language pathologist

SLR – straight leg raise

SNF – skilled nursing facility

SOAP – subjective, objective, assessment, plan

SOB – shortness of breath

S/P – status post

S/Sx – signs and symptoms

stat. – immediately or at once

STG – short term goal

sup. – superior

Sx – symptoms


tab – tablet

TB – tuberculosis

TBI – traumatic brain injury

TENS or TNS – transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator/ stimulation

THA – total hip arthroplasty

THR – total 
hip replacement

TIA – transient ischemic attack

tid – three times daily

TIW – three times per week

TKA – total knee arthroplasty

TKR – total knee replacement

TMJ – temporomandibular joint

TNR – tonic neck reflex

t.o. – telephone order

TPR – temperature, pulse and respiration

TTWB – toe touch weight bearing

TV – tidal volume

Tx – treatment

tx – traction


UA – urine analysis

UE – upper extremity

UMN – upper motor neuron

UMNL – upper motor neuron lesion

URI – upper respiratory infection

US - ultrasound

UTI – urinary tract infection

UV ultraviolet


VC – vital capacity

VC – verbal cues

VD – venereal disease

VO or v.o. – verbal orders

Vol. – volume

v.s. – vital signs


w/c – wheel chair

W/cm2 – watts per centimeter square

WBC – white blood cell

WFL – within functional limits

wk. – week

WNL – within normal limits

wt. – weight


x – number of times performed (e.g. x3, x8, etc.)


y/o or y.o. – years old