The psychologist prepares the patient and others for full participation in
rehabilitation. He conducts:
1. Tests dealing with
•Personality, style
•The patients ways of dealing with stress
•To evaluate problem - solving skills intelligence of the patient
•To check psychological status (neurosis, psychosis)
2. Incorporation of the above results into the treatment plan
3. Counselling in
• Adjustment to body changes as age advances
• Development of problem - solving skills
• Secondary problems caused by the disease and its disability like a
sense of inadequacy.
• Adjustment to changes in sexual functioning and stable alternatives.
4. Testing of intelligence, memory and perceptual functioning.
The social worker has probably the most important role in sociovocational
rehabilitation. This is because he has to interact with the patient, family and
rehabilitation team and can assist in the following ways.
• Evaluating the patient's total fiving situation, including life style, family,
finances and community resources, and assessing the impact of the disease or disability on these areas.
1. Maintaining a continuing relationship with the patient and family.
2. Discussing arrangements about finances.
3. Helping the family develop the skills needed to actively participate in treatment procedures in the home.
4. Providing assistance in locating alternative living situations.
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